
We consolidate clean tech solutions from our qualified network of service providers to make it easy for building owners and operators to have one point of contact for energy and water solutions, like green infrastrucure, renewable energy, EV charging, and efficiency measures.

We provide project finance options and can reduce or eliminate client costs by utilizing local incentives and performance contracts like power purchase agreements.

We have clean tech solutions, we just need to use them.


    We use nature based solutions to manage stormwater and prevent it from entering the sewer system, gaining environmental credits for every gallon of water managed.


    We provide solutions to help buildings transition away from fossil fuels, including onsite renewable energy systems an offsite renewable energy supply contracts.


    We promote electrification and zero-emission vehicles. We work to expand EV charging infrastructure, viewing EVs as energy storage of the future.


    We improve energy & water efficiency and measure annual energy & water usage to meet benchmarking requirements and building performance standards.

We differentiate ourselves by optimizing both energy and water resources, because clean water saves energy and emission too. 

Though often treated as separate systems and sectors, water and energy are actually interdependent resources. In buildings, water and energy are connected through electricity generation, HVAC systems, water heating, pumping, and treatment. Energy plays a key role in water supply and water is an integral part of energy production. We address energy and water systems as an integrated whole to multiply benefits, innovation, and savings.