At no expense to the Elesavetgrad Cemetery, Green Compass installed and maintains a drainage system that transfers stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces to a 2,500 square foot infiltration trench that passes runoff through an engineered soil filter composed of sand, gravel, and organic matter. Over 100 native trees with 22 diverse species, including beech, oak, and maple, have been planted to restore an urban tree canopy. The green infrastructure effectively treats 2,230,000 gallons of water annually, improves drainage onsite, and reduces the property’s water bill by more than 20% with local incentives. Over the next twelve years, the green infrastructure at Elesavetgrad Cemetery is estimated to generate a net present value of $3,200,000 in ecosystem services, benefiting local residents while creating a healthier environment. The installation was completed in 2021 and is maintained by Green Compass for at least 12 years.
Every dollar invested in green infrastructure at Elesavetgard Cemetery returns $11 in benefits to the community
“You did a great job, just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work, the grounds look great because of you.”