The green infrastructure installed for St. Luke Catholic Church effectively treats 950,000 gallons of water annually by capturing and storing stormwater runoff, passing it through an engineered soil filter composed of sand, soil, and organic matter, at no cost to the church. This project included the removal of 2,000 sq ft of asphalt and the installation and maintenance of 40 trees and 3 rain gardens, totaling 1,940 sq ft and featuring 590 plants. The selection of native trees, shrubs, and grasses includes 37 diverse species that are drought and flood tolerant, such as cypress, oak, maple, milkweed, iris, and asters. Over the next twelve years, the green stormwater infrastructure at St. Luke is estimated to create a total net present value of $2,000,000 in ecosystem services, providing benefits to local residents while creating a healthier environment. The project also reduces the church’s water bill by more than 20% with local incentives. The installation was completed in 2020 and will be maintained by Green Compass for at least 12 years.
Every dollar invested to build the green infrastructure at St. Luke Church returns $8.3 in benefits to the community